Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Drone attacks in pakistan has killed innocent children, women and
harmless citizens. This worst situation is still going on inspite of
our repeated requests to American authorities. Recently,Pakistan
interior minister Mr.Rehman Malik has disclosed that Amerca has
always turned down our protest in the past. 

Large majority of peoples have faced great hardships in their life,
during five years term of pakistan peoples party tenure. Some are
extremist, and wish to see the future of pakistani leaders as shown
in the picture, God forbid everybody.

The supreme court of Pakistan has observed that Govt.of Pakistan
has not shown his interest to allow overseas pakistanis to cast their
vote in general election. It is very true such pakistani have contributed
a lot by injecting foreign exchange into the economy of pakistan.
Therefore, this matter should be taken seriously at all level. 

Sunday, 28 October 2012

The honourable Supreme court of pakistan,ordred to reduce
the prices of CNG.Consequently CNG station owners have
declined to bring down the prices. The authorities has in return
issued to cancel the licences of CNG station owners.
We afraid this will put the peoples in great trouble and to what
extent, this is to bee watched. 

Friday, 26 October 2012

Who will pull out our country from crucial crisis, prevailing in all
institutions, is the multi million question these days.

Honourable Lahore High court has suspended the tax on internatioal
calls levied by Govt. of Pakistan. 

Millions of muslim pilgrims from all over the world
performing Hajj at Saudi Arabia.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Honourable Supreme court of pakistan has reduced the price of
CNG by Rs.3o.38. This is the biggest relief ever given by judiciary
to a common man. 

Look at man , how he is surrounded by his favourite books.
Who will guide him to come out for a while ?

It is learnt that mobile service phone may remain suspended during
Eid Uz Azha holidays in some of big cities as was done during
Eid ul fiter. Peoples have shown great concern over this proposal,
and have asked to withdraw this decision, if any. 

United Nations institution, UNESCO in their program /Education for all,
while monitoring the said report for 2012 has declared, Pakistan is the
worst in whole world.The report says that in pakistan.there is the highest
nos. of children who never attend school, in their school going age.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

We will win elections...says N league..We will defeat all parties in
elections, says PTI... We will once again form government after
next elections, says,ppp....All voices for a common man, who is
least interested in elections because his hardships are continued
since 1947.,Who cares ?

This is a good news for all pakistanis that this time, voters list for
forthcoming election are thoroughly verified, and each and every
voter may check his name,voter no.and place of his casting place.
through his cell,while sitting at home.

international cricket eleven has played cricket matches in pakistan.
They said, there appears no sign of insecurity of cricketers here in
pakistan. They are of the view that international matches should be
held in future and law and order situation is quite normal..

Monday, 22 October 2012

Eid ul Azha, brings happiness to all muslims. We should not
forget our poor muslim brothers.We must help them to remove
their financial needs on this happy occasion.

See an innocent 14 years daughter of pakistan, who
was attacked by extremists in sawat. Her only fault
is to get education and give education to all girls.
we feel this is simply a cruel act, and NO EXCUSE
can be offered to justify this attack.

This miserable scene of children seeking food can be seen
in our smaller, even big cities. This is shameful for all of us,
as we have not been able to convert our holy land in a
welfare state as yet. This is an alarming situation for our

We are all fed up with this bloddy situation in the country.
We are sorry to say that no end of this unannounced war
is within the capacity of our present rulers. God bless all of
us all the time.

Politicians behave our peoples as seen in picture. This state of
affairs should be discouraged. This is just possible if we educate
our people to have knowledge to differentiate in good and bad
at all levels. 

Sunday, 21 October 2012

We should admit peace through law is the success of our
constitution and all of us, should abide by our constitution
by all means.

Security in society, upkeep of justice, is the source of inspiration
of law and constitution in our country.

Who will win the next election in America ? more than 100 dollars
question, to win.None can guess.

importance of education is not the need of our country,but
it is for whole world, the growth of which has recognized
all nations,irrespective of their religion.

You may buy a precious car, you may buy a huge home to
live,you may get education in well reputed university
of the world, but remember, you cannot buy good character,
you cannot buy well behaved manners from any market, this
is the blessings of family traditions and the education you get
from your parents at home.

Today, pak judiciary has given full support to common man in
solving their problems, while media is also playing active roll in
creating healthy relations between media and judiciary.

Our rulers expect, we should live our lives like robot, all the
time dependent upon them.

In most of the countries, today, peoples are not getting their basic
rights of independent living. They have to depend upon their masters,
who rule them in their own way.

It is admireable thing that nowadays, pakistan media is playing a
vital roll in nation building. we see different type of awakening among
our peoples, and this is a big change in our society.

Some politicians are anxious to win elections by driving
flying car.

United nations is last hope for solving problems of smaller nations,
but it has been observed that so far, it has totally failed in most of 
his rulings, to maintain peace in most of the countries due to veto
rights empowered by rich states.

look at pride of pakistan...what a beautiful site, how could
we be grateful to our muslim architects of golden muslim

It is sad attitude that we having bright past have forgoton our
moral values, so much so,we cant remember our old historic
sites, where our elders spent their lives, in building them for us.

we are all confused on our terrisam policy. Pakistan rulers very innocently
issues a statement we will take revenge, upon each and every incident,which
take place in any part of the country.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Today pakistan is surrounded by terrisom and drone attacks.
Our government is trying to solve these problems, but seems,
it is beyond his control. We all, as a true citizen,should
encourage our present rulers to adopt some concrete steps to
overcome this abnormal sitution in the country.

Good geverness is the demand of each institution, but we see it is
lacking in our day today life, consequently we are surrounded by
numerous problems, some of them beyond our control.

All of us boil at different temperatures, but this attitude towards
politions may ruin their personality among their will wishers, if
it exceds beyond some level.

In a report published by a ngo describes that govt.of province of
punjab spended paisas 15 per child on education during 2011/2012,
which is shameful for us.

Free and fair elections in the country can lead to the prosparity
of the poeople.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

What a pity pakistan railway system ha been totally flopped.
who is responsible : no body, what an estonishing situation.

In our country, there is no check and balance system against
price hike.Consequently peoples face this problem every time
whenever, they prefer to buy anything.

Institutions are ruined when politics is prevailed over them
through politicians.These state owned institutions should be
absolutely free of politics.

This is very true, who should rule the country,Army or peoples of pakistan,only 
the peoples of pakistan through election, may choose their representatives.

Young generation in Pakistan should give priority to education 
or get involved in politics, who will decide ?

Most of the countries blame American policies, and simultaneously follow his
policies. what is mystery behind this logic ?

Monday, 15 October 2012

what is the main cause of increasing poverty ratio in pakistan ?

Politics subject is ignored in our colleges, but all of us are anxious to take 
in politics.

Politeness and patients is the key to success in politics.            

We are facing all sorts of crisis in the country.Do you think good time will come 
in near future...in next five years.

In our educational institutions, students unions have played a vital roll in our politics, as 
we see great politicians of today were prominent student leaders in students unions.But 
most of us oppose the existence of students unions in educational institutions.I think,this 
is not a healthy approach.

What is the fate of memo gate scandle in our politics.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

I feel next elections, if held, will cause majore disturbance in all areas of country.

Education plays a major part in our life, while we have completely ignored
its importance and we run after money all the time. This negative attitude
has not only ruined our whole society, but also has captured our politicians,
who are making money by all means, during their term of membership.

Should we reduce the term of our parlement from five years to four years ?

I think dual nationality is not justified for taking part in pak politics
for any one, living in or outside pakistan.

Are you agree, media should play part to bring closer to all parties for the
welfare and betterment of the country.

who has discredited democracy in our country ? politicians, army,juduciary
or media.

Democracy is the best revenge. Who introduced this famous attitude in politics.

Pakistan is surrounded bt various problems, in this back ground, all are worried, but the politicians
are debating on election schedule. What is this ?

Pakistan prime minister, liaqat Ali khan, murder, 16th oct,1951 at Rawalpindi, Do you think it
was an international consipracy, or our own peoples were involved.

Saturday, 13 October 2012

You born in a poor family, it is not your fault, you die in poverty, not get chance to marry in a
rich pakistan politician family, it is your fault, 

We all are politicians, we politics in our home, we politics in our office, we politicis
in our busuness, so much so, we politics in our love affairs.

Modern formula, every thing is fair in LOVE AND POLITICS ?

who is at guilty, spoiling pakistan politics ethics, old babas of politics or young politicions ?

i think no body knows, when elections are going to be held, except mr president ?

Who is responsible, in your opinion, the load shedding crisis ? Pervez musharaf, or peoples party ?

                            who is No.1 popular leader nowadays in pakistan ?

                           In our country politics has become a source of becomming millionire.
                           in five years of term of membership..Is it not true ?



                        Which is No.1 problem of pakistan common man ? unemployment,
                        load shedding or someone else in your opinion.

                      How will you describe Pakistani Culture. 

                        Attack on malala, Do you think,  religious politicians comments are
                        justified :

Friday, 12 October 2012

                Are you looking a positive roll of PTI in future ?

                   Pakistan politics, should young generation join it for the betterment
                   of civil society ?

         A common man understands, that election cannot bring major
         change in his life, Do you agree.

        As a pakistani, we feel, our muslim state is under fire by our
       muslim brothers, do you agree ?

                 what will happen, if the letter reaches Swiss authorities?

                    Malala attack, how do you feel personally ?

     Do you think pti will win election.

       How do you rate PTI these days ?