In an anti corruption drive in Chiana, one of the top most official of communist party in the northern province of village, xigvan,Mr. Li Junwe has been arrested. He has been charged with having four wives with 10 children. According to Chinese law, having more than one wife is a crime.Rules also restrict most couples just have one child, and Chinese Govt. is following the said rules quite strictly.
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Saturday, 15 December 2012
One of the most unusual official orders was announced in Falcino del massico, Italy. Accordingly, the citizens have been ordered not to die due to non-availability of graves in the area. The mayor gave this order as a result of a dispute on extending the area of the graveyard. Two of the older men didn't follow the orders of the mayor and passed way. This strange order is effective till the completion of the graveyard and it will certainly become ineffective after that.Have ever been issued such a freaky order.
Friday, 14 December 2012
Utilizing machines for various jobs instead of human beings is Japan`s aim, They are always busy in inventing various machines, which are free from man`s help. Now Japanese peoples living away from shopping centers, specially residing in villages, will get fresh eggs from a vending machine. They will put cash in machines and desired nos. of eggs will be in their hands. No need to go to shops.
`Sorry,no salary`, contact your wife. While men will work whole month, but they will not get salary directly to their accounts.In Indonesia,the Gornatalo,Solahvi island administration feels that men are more discourteous, after having money in their pocket. This attitude leads to disinterest in their family life, because they are(Men) are more interested in spending money over their beloveds instead of giving to their wives. So the island administration has decided to disburse the salaries of employees into wife`s accounts.
Thursday, 13 December 2012
To enhance the professional ability of Russian Doctors, the city Govt. of Masco, is planning to ask them to learn English at advanced level. At present, foreigners are facing difficulties to get treatment in the absence of English knowing doctors in medical profession in Russia. The Govt. feels this will enhance the image of Russia, and more patients will select to come to Russia for treatment of their choice.
She is planning to go to Pakistan to meet a man whom she met on line. Fred Thomas, 62 years old from Cushing,Maine, was upset when her `broken relations`, wife refused to sex. He was so impatient, he took his penis and struck her with it. According to `The Bangor Daily News`, on this criminal act, the man was sent to jail for 5 days.
Monday, 10 December 2012
Eat more and more fruits and vegetables, if you want to defeat cancer. A good news to women come from a study by Indian journal published by National Cancer Institute. Just avoid cancer by eating melons, oranges, peppers, sweet potatoes and carrots, likewise other fruits and vegetables. Reduce chances of breast cancer and enjoy eating rich diet as mentioned above. An advice by cancer institute to all the women of the world.
Monday killing events..Southwestern province,Afghanistan, police chief killed in bombing.
A senior female provincial Director of Women Affairs,in provincial capital,Mehtarlam city,Afghanistan, Najia Siddiqui was shot dead while on her way to office.
In july,2012, female, officer Hanifah Safai,who was also Director of women Deptt. killed in bombing.
Peace in Afghanistan, beyond 2014, after American army quits, is a million dollars question today.
A senior female provincial Director of Women Affairs,in provincial capital,Mehtarlam city,Afghanistan, Najia Siddiqui was shot dead while on her way to office.
In july,2012, female, officer Hanifah Safai,who was also Director of women Deptt. killed in bombing.
Peace in Afghanistan, beyond 2014, after American army quits, is a million dollars question today.
Sunday, 9 December 2012
After spending 17 years in politics, Berlusconi,had to resign in 2011, as a prime minister of Italy on certain charges. He was involved in tax fraud case and was jailed for 4 years in Oct,2012. He was also defamed by having sexual relations with underage dancer, Karima El Mahrough, also called Ruby. She, however, denied such charges. After the resignation, announced by Monti, the prime minister, 76 years old, Berlusconi has declared to play afresh roll in Italian politics, and intends to become prime minister of his country. Berlusconi is awaiting the decisions of his appeals filed in a court of law.
Obama`s full support in election brings a reward to ex-president, Bill Clinton. He had the desire to become ambassador to Britain.but his wife Hillary Clinton has recommended his name as ambassador to Libya. Bill Clinton left no choice but to obey the proposal of his wife, and he has been nominated to join Libya as ambassador in Jan,2013. As a president of super power,America and now as ambassador to super poor in economy, Libya, quite unnatural combination, let us hope the best in days to come.
Saturday, 8 December 2012
`We will kill you`, sms forwarded to 26 judges of Bangladesh, through cell No.01981611914 on saturday afternoon. The message has been sent by some unknown callers. The reason to this threat , as per mentioned in sms read that ` you are the enemies of Islam. According to caller, judges have put behind the bar to Islam activits by cancelling their bails. Therefor, we will kill you. The said sms has been confirmed by Chief Metropolitan judge. No further details have been issued regarding the investigation of said threat.
Friday, 7 December 2012
Thursday, 6 December 2012
A woman filed a petition in the police station that a `Big` name in Bangladesh music industry, Shawkat Ali Emon, is living in his house with a woman illegally. According to petition, it is added that Emon has promised to marry her in near future. On filing the complaint, police raided the house of music director. 2Fun News, while reporting, disclosed that the police took in custody some quantity of wine, birth control tablets and other material relating to sexual activity. The police arrested, the music director leveling charges of suppression, defrauding and raping . No further details about the woman and his illicit relations with the woman, if any, has been reported by 2Fun News.( Bangladesh ).
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Believe it or not, a man having half a head and brain still survives after a car clash in Miami,Florida, America. After doctor`s high level of medical experiences during surgery,Rodrisvez, lost his half brain and skull, because of cutting away maximum amounts of flesh and bone. Thanks to medical science, but praise worthy doctors, who managed the said impossible operation, enabling a man to live like others, but with half skull and brain. He, after, the survival said, i with my friend and a cousin stole a car, and having running it over speeding, met a severe accident. The police during investigation released his picture with half brain and skull,nobody believed it, but he was there in front of peoples.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Education Against Sex
The web site `Sponsor Ascholarship `appears to be operating in a grey area within Britain, allows legally to have consultation and introduction between a client and sex worker, claims to have arranged 14,000 women , who are lavishly funded by richest peoples for their studies. `The Independent` reports. These women are aging between 17 years to 24 years. According to the news paper, due to high rise in fees and other tools related to education, for graduates and post graduates students, they are offered more than $24,000 annually, in exchange for having sex with stranger. The story has been brought by a female representative of `The Independent, who managed to involve herself to verify the facts, which she confirmed.
Breaking Ice
If some breakthrough occurs some time in talks with America, that must be approved by Iranian Supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei . In a statement, Iranian foreign minister disclosed that Iran is ready to have one-on-one talks with America. This is a good sign of march towards peace in the region. After the Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979, American-Iran relations were broken. Iran foreign minister did not hint out whether the face to face dialogue shall be restricted to nuclear program or shall also cover wide range of restoring relations between both the countries.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Happy News to Pakistan
World Snooker championship was held in Sofia, Bulgaria. On Sunday, the 2nd.Dec.2012, final match was played between Pakistan No.1, Mohammad Asif and English player Gary Wuilson. After a neck to neck fight, Mohammad Asif won by 10-8 and became the world snooker champion. He is the third pakistani, who played the final and second one who won the final. Earlier in 1994, Mohammad Yousaf defeated all and became the champion. In 2003, Saleh Mohammad was beaten by Rankaj Advani of India.
Top 10 Heroes of CNN, 2012 were selected through a public voting. On Sunday,2nd,Dec,2012, to pay them tribute, a red carpet show shall be held. The heroes include, who have performed excellent work in their fields. They all has set example to rest of the world to follow them. Their work definitely deserve to be recognized at all level.CNN, every year encourages them internationally, with cash prizes. All are wonderful and have worked selflessly. All the top 10 heroes will get cash prize of $50,000, while No.1 at top will get an additional prize of $250,000. The show is going to be held Sunday Night at Los Angeles, America, and is hosted by Anderson.
Saturday, 1 December 2012
Pak Afghan Dialouge
In a joint meeting of Pakistan and Afghanistan in Islamabad, it has been decided that in Jan,2013, to hold a joint conference of `Ulmas` of both the countries.It was further agreed to release Talabans and some other prisoners, in the custody of Pakistan and Afghanistan. On behalf of Pakistan foreign minister Hina Rabbani and Zalmay Rasool,Afghanistan participated to discuss the burning issue of terrorism across the borders. Both the ministers asked Talabans to discontinue their relations with Alquaida. Let us see, what positive steps are taken in near future to eliminate the clouds of mistrust between both the countries.
Birth certificate
Getting the status of `Observer`, in UN General Assembly, the world has been hoping this will add a postive step towards achieving peace in the region. However, Israel is naturally, being a party is not satisfied with this action. Palastine president Mahmud Abbas is happy over getting `Birth Certificate`from General Assembly, as per his own version. Most of the observers, take it as a Defeat of America and Israel, and a success to Palastine.
Friday, 30 November 2012

Power Ball, an American jackpot company has declared his results on Thursday. Total 8,924,123 players took part in the game. They won more than, $131.5 million. Two participants, from Arizona and Missouri won the ever highest award, $580 millions. This is the biggest winning amount in the history of Power Ball. The said amount shall be distributed equally among the two winners. Their names are yet to be announced.
Thursday, 29 November 2012
This shall be a historic occasion for Palestin, when 193 member states will decide, to give `observer` status in the UN general assembly instead of an entity on the world map. Palestine president is there to get maximum support for the success from member states. On Thursday, it is going to be voting on this issue. It is reported by various news agencies that France has declared her full support to president of Palestine, Mahmud Abbas on this issue while Germany has decided to abstain at the time of voting.let us hope, a positive decision, which will definitely turn the war into a step towards peace.
Two senior journalists of Indian Zee News channel were arrested in Jindal extortion case. According to police reports, case filed by chairman Jindal steel and power, both the journalists, Zee News Editor and Zee News Business head pressed the Jindal to give one billion rupees for advertisement in their channel with four years agreement. In proof of their petition,Jindal produced a CD Video, showing negotiating with both the parties. Police said that the video seems to be a true proof of deal. Any how, the Zee News lawyer states that this may be the personal act of accused concerned, which has nothing to do with Zee News channel. The local court handed over both the senior members to police for two days, to investigate the matter.
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Titanic, a mammoth ship sank on its maiden voyage from Southhampton, UK to NYC, USA on 15th April, 1912. The incident killed almost 1,500 passengers. Two of the survivors retained their menu cards with respect to the lunch served on 10th April, 1912 in the great ship.Those menu cards have been sold in auction at a whopping price of One Lac Sixty Thousand US Dollars and are now considered the most expensive cards ever sold.
London having smaller population than Mosco has five children hospital, but none at the moment in Mosco. On the petition of a charitable NGO, `gift of life`, mayor of Masco has accepted the rquest to construct a hospital. The petition submitted by two renowned actresses of Mosco, with the 15000 signatures on it feel grateful to the mayor. He has offered 8 plots of sites to choose and start construction on it. A great nos of children die facing incureable diseases in Mosco every year. This will be the first hospital for children in Mosco, sources said..
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
Mr.Brandon Prevfau, an employee of United Air lines, parked a car Chevrolet Monte Carlo three years ago. The car was not removed, as it was parked in the area allotted to Air Line employees, but remained impounded,because of no claimant. On investigating the matter, it was reported that car was registered in the name of one woman,Ms.Fitzger, who had friendly relations with Mr.Brandon, She said that he was her ex boy friend but she never knew that the car is registered in her name. The court after thorough enquiries imposed a fine of $105,000 upon woman, ever highest fine for parking car in Chicago air port, named o`Hara airport.
Monday, 26 November 2012
`It is a painful necessity to exhume the body of Yasir Arfat`, said Twafiq al Trwai, incharge of Palestianian committee over viewing the investigation, after the death.Yasir Arfat , Plastinian, leader died in Frace some time eight years back. After a Swiss institute, disclosure, high level of Radioactive polonium on his clothing, which was supplied by his widow, Suha,an investigation was started in Aug last in a court to investigate, whether it was a natural death or an attempt to murder.The exhume of body is going to be carried out on the instructions of French court.
`Every one will kill you`, was the threat to a French group of singers, traveling in a bus in Melbourne,Australia. The group,including girls, started singing in french, their native language, Suddenly, the passengers shouted on them and said `Speak English or Die`.some of whom remarked on women, ` get off the bus`. Talking to media, comedian, Mike Nayna, told, the situation took a racial turn, calling for `Black Peoples` to be thrown off the bus.
Rats Causing Death
This was a shocking news to the parents when they heard about the death of infant, admitted in the hospital.They left them in the safe hands of well trained staff,Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.Unfortunately on Monday, two infants were biten by rats, one of them lost his breath and the other is in critical condition. This has left a question mark on the reputation of highly equipped, and well managed hospital of the region.
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Pakistan under fire
Located in the north west of Pakistan, Dera Ismail Khan is a city where series of bomb blast took place. On saturday, bomb blast took the lives of 5 peoples, near imam bargah, where Shia muslims were busy in attending the religious gathering. On sunday, another incident occured, in which 8 peoples lost their breath and many other seriously injured. This year hundreds of policemen and paramilitary forces were deployed in more than 40 cities of the country for security purposes. More over, cell phone service remained suspended on 9th and 10th of Moharram ul Haram( 24th and 24th Dec) to creat hurdles in contacts between the criminals. However, as yet no other major incidents has took place in view of implementing such security measures.
World Record
In the city of Kansas, America, playing virtual table tennis game on the roof of a building, a world record has been made. On the 40th anniversary of Atari, its founder company, converted the roof of 22 storey building into table tennis playing game. The record has been enlisted in Geens World Record Book., it is reported.
Fire Broke out in the outskirts of Dhaka, Bangladesh in an 8 storey garments factory on Saturday Night. The incident killed more than 112 workers and many were left injured. The main cause behind is thought to be short circuit that resulted in this unfortunate incident. The fire took effect from the cotton godown at second storey and took over the whole building in no time. According to Director General, Fire brigade rescue efforts were hindered due to lack of water availability at the site. Clash also took place between the families of the victims and police due to the latter's late arrival at the site. Fire was controlled on sunday morning at 6 a.m by the authorities. It was on of the worst fire incidents in the recent times in Bangladesh.
Three Bigs
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Three big nations of the world, if wish to maintain peace, is not a dream for any one. America and Chiana are two big nations with richest economies. This was stated by Russian foreign minister, Mr. Sergei Lavrov. We are ready to to cooperate with new administration of America as well as with new Chinese leadership. We will continue to work with them with open heart, We believe that relations should be based on equality and respect for each other. Mr. Lavrov pointed out that we have already signed on an agreement to ease visa requirements and our dialouge are in progress all the time. AS far as Chiana is concerned we meet each other periodically to discuss issues having common interests in the region.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
According to net news, American Home Land Security Department is busy in monitoring some of the words, which are included in their list. These include Al-Quaida, Attack, Dirty Bomb, Terrorism.The department has been asked to keep an eye over social events web sites and media,if using such words. List includes hundreds of words, which are being watched by the security agency, So, all should be careful, and try to remember the words, included in the list.
Friday, 23 November 2012
A picture, reportedly made of Rs.50 crore budget, has earned Rs.60.39 crore in four days in India. `jab tk hay jan`, named film has been released on the auspicious occasion of diwali, on Nov.13 on 2500 screens. Produced by Aditya Chopra, under the family banner `Yash Raj Films, the film has been released after the death of Yash RajChopra.He was the master of love,romance formula fame producer of Indian cinema industry. The leading rolls were played by king of Bollyood, Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif. Love story based film is getting much more response among the film lovers day by day.
Ireland governments have been refusing to give right to an individual for abortion. In doublin, an Indian dentist, died during having hospitalized by the doctors. She was 31 years of age and had 17 weeks pregnancy, while she had to face miscarriage situation. In the hospital doctors allegedly refused abortion. Consequently, the dentist died because of blood poisoning. This weekend thousands of women and girls marched to pay tribute to the deceased dentist. They were demanding to make laws allowing abortion in the country. But all the governments have been denying to give right of abortion, as of the view that this is the choice of the doctors, who is the best judge to decide on the spot,if, necessary to save the life of the patient.
Indian origin, American, Sunita Williams, astronaut has the longest record of space flight,almost 195 hours. She has just returned to earth after spending 127 days in space, making a new record. She is the daughter of Indian American father.Her mother belongs to Solvenia. She is the second on the list of most experienced US female astronauts, as she logged 322 days during two space flights. After, Klapna Chawla, Sunita is the second Indian origin woman who has been selected by NASA.
Thursday, 22 November 2012
The dead body of Mohammad Kasab, who was hanged in Indian jail was buried in jail`s compound on wednesday,the 21st.Nov,2012. Pakistan born, Mohammad Kasab, was the sole alive accused who was caught on the spot during Mumbay attacks in 2008. As much as 166 peoples were killed during attack on a renowned hotel in Mumbay. All his mercy appeals were rejected last month, consequently,he was executed. The Indian officials when asked about his execution informing Pakistan, he said Pakistan was intimated beforehand. Expressing Pakistani official on his execution,he commented that `if all the legal requirements were followed we have no objection`. He declined to identify his name.
A series of bomb blast, planted and through suiside bombers continued in some big cities of Pakistan. Twin bomb blasts have been reported last evening in Karachi after an hour interval. Queta, peshawar and rawalpindi were also hit by bombers on wednesday. Approximately more than 27 peoples were killed and so many injured, including police and rangers. It is notable that Moharram ul Haram`s majalis are conducted mostly after night prayers in masajid and imam bargas. On the sad occasion, American ambassador to Pakistan, Mr.Richard Wilson has said that America will continue his cooperation with Pakistan in future also. Pakistan has rendered many sacrifices in the past, he added.
Mr. Mohamed Morsy, Egyptian president has proposed a cease fire between Israel and Hamas.He said this is the need of the time that peace should be restore in the region. He also appreciated the negotiation between Israel and Hamas. He said Egypt is always in favor of talks with both the parties. Meanwhile, American president Mr.Obama thanked Egyptian president for his efforts to achieve sustainable peace. The American president appreciated the new Egyptian government in taking keen interest for solving the burning war issue,a spokesman of white house issued the said statement on behalf of president. United Nations and EU also welcomed the proposed cease fire negotiations, according to media reports.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
On his Burma visit, Mr. Obama also met, Burmese democratic symbol known as Aung San suukyi, who is still restricted to her home from the last 15 years. This was a historic event when Mr.Obama shook hands with the lady. That was really an exciting moment for both the leaders. On monday, secretary of state, America, also had an emotional meeting with Aung San Suukyi, as per media reports.
An accord between Pakistan and India,regarding visiting each other country by their respective citizens was approved by President of Pakistan. The said agreement was duly signed by indian and pakistan authorities on sept,8th,2012. The main purpose was to facilitate the peoples of both sides to travel and live freely to their choice country, Besides diplomatic, non diplomatic official visa, a visitor visa will be issued for visiting relatives, friends or for any other legitimate purpose. The said visa shall be valid for six months and is available for five different cities of one`s choice.
A woman, awaiting trial to go behind the bar in Sweden on the charge, disturbing a dead man`peace. As per police web, the woman was engaged in sexual activities with a skelton. The prosecution, when raided the women` house, found some `CD-Roms` entitled `my necrophilia` and `my first experience`.Police also found some photographs showing sexual activities with skelton. The authorities has registered a case against woman, for having disturbed the peace of a dead man.
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
In a hospital, located in a province of guandong, Chiana, a four month old girl was operated, as she was born with a 6 centimeter tail on her back. During a surgical operation, the hairless soft,pink color tail was removed successfully by the doctors. This may be a birth defect, which grew with the passage of time. According to the doctors, no such clinical case has been reported as yet in the world.
In a statement, American envoy to India has expressed that Pakistan should do more in eliminating terror and war in this region. He further said that Pakistan should do more extra efforts to stop the in human acts by extremists as it is a great danger to whole of the world. She was talking to media in New Delhi. We all wish that this war should continue against talaban and Al-Quaida, because this is equally harmful to India,Pakistan and America. She added,
Monday, 19 November 2012
A high level meeting between Pakistan and superior peace council,Afghanistan was held in Islamabad. Recently, as per agreed agenda, most of released leaders of talaban has been issued Afghan passport.They include, special adviser to Mullah Omer, Mullah Abdul Ahad Jahangirwal. In Peshawar, according to American radio, verifying the release of some leaders also includeEx Kabul,governor, Dawood Jilani, talaban and so many other talaban leaders. It is hoped that this goodwill gesture will support to maintain peace in the region. Let us see and pray for the best.
There was a time, till 1971, Bangladesh was part of Pakistan, named as East Pakistan. Bangladesh managed to get independence and appeared as an independent country. Since then, relations between the two countries are growing at a lazy pitch. On Dec,22,2012, D-8, countries conference is going to be held in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. Pakistan foreign minister, visited Dacca, the capital of Bangladesh to extend invitation to the prime minister of Bangladesh, but she declined to participate, on the pretext that we are facing some serious issues at the moment. We see some similarities in both the countries, such as imposition of martial laws and other day today peoples problems. There was a protest march in Dacca against price hike in oil and gas like Pakistan. Police attacked the mob, and more than 50 peoples injured, some of them serious, later on shifted to Dacca medical college.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
In a statement, Pakistan Tehreke Insaf, central vice chairman of the party, Makhdom Shah Mehmood Qureshi,said that participation of Asif Ali Zardar, as a president in party politics, is against the verdict of superior courts. The election of Pakistan should take notice of it to make the election neat and clean. He further told the media, that to make new province in the name of Seraki province is nothing but a political stunt from peoples party. On kissing the neck of former prime minister,Mr.Gilani, showing his deep love to him, Mr. Qureshi described it as a kiss of death. No body knows, while in peoples party, as a foreign minister, how many kiss, he enjoyed from Mr.Zardai.
On sunday a bomb blast incident took place in Abbas Town, near imam bargah, in Karachi. At the time of blast, huge crowd of mourners were busy in performing their religious prayers, on the eve of Moharram ul Hram. It is said that was a targeted attack on mourners.A remote control device was used to explore the bomb. According to last reports, two peoples were killed and so many injured, including one child, one woman and five ranger soldiers.It is feared that death toll may increase, as there are some serious injured, admitted in hospital, However, sources claim, they have identified two victims.
A report has been published in some western reliable news agencies that Pakistan has been successful in building disarmed drons, and now trying to make armed drons. It is stated that earlier Pakistan had requested America so many times to provide latest technology to built drons, but America turned down its request. It is further stated the China has offered to give technology to built CH-3. China has also offered to provide advance technology to built CH-4, which has the capacity to load four missiles.Whether Pakistan has purchased drons from China or not, American has no information as yet. At present, only America, Britain and Israel has the advance technology to built armed drons.
Friday, 16 November 2012
Pakistan interior minister, Rehman Malik has said, that up till now parliment has not produced the result in respect of making law against terrorism. He was sorry to say that from the last 3 years, all his efforts were in vain. He further said present law is week and culprits enjoy the benefits He hoped to play a positive roll in future in making fresh laws in this respect.
In South Africa police has arrested a Labanese national trying to smuggle diamonds. He was bound to fly to Dubai. The 220 diamonds worth was estimated as $2.25 million, as per police sources. Smuggling of diamonds is considered to be most profitable business in the world. Another labanese was also arrested some time back, while attempting to smuggle diamonds worth $1.69.
for the first time in England, election to choose the Police and Criminal Commissioner has been held. This shows the symbol of democracy in England, known as land of mother of democracy. An interesting factor, for rest of the world is that a lady known as Katy Bourne is a prominent candidate for this challenging position. She is considered to be a hard working lady. She is considered to be a most suitable candidate. However, it is a matter of great concern, people think, whether this change was necessary to overcome day to day crimes.Overall peoples feel that Katy has the capacity to handle the situation on the spot, whenever need will arise.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Like other countries, In Saudi Arabia, no.of unemployed peoples is increasing every year. The situation of economy presently does not permit to give employment to all in state run institutions. The Government is worried about it. After all, they have decided to impose heavy penalties to those companies, who have engaged foreign workers, giving preference over local workers. Consequently, company owners and the foreign employed workers are worried about their future.
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